Visitors to our lab


Dr. Jin Yu (UC Irvine) visited us on Jan 2025. She provided the seminar on theoretical studies about transcription factor and RNA polymerase. To promote exchange, our students also gave presentations following Jin’s talk.


Dr. Michael Silverman and a student of his lab (Simon Fraser University) visited us during Dec 2023-March 2024. We could learn about the iPS neuron culture from them.

Dr. Asuka Takeda-Sakazume (Ochanomizu University) visited our institute (Dec 2024). She participated in the ISSP Women’s Week 2024 event, for which we are deeply grateful.

Dr. Ryohei Kobayashi (The University of Tokyo) provided a seminar on the rotary motor protein F1-ATPase (Dec 2024). He studies F1 using both single-molecule experiments and MD (molecular dynamics) simulations.
